Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Should College Athletes Shouldn t Be Paid Essay - 980 Words

Making money for someone else by using your labor without being compensated is the definition of slavery. Slavery was supposed to have been abolished over a 100 years ago, but would you be surprised if I told you that a form a slavery was still going on in 2015? Yes it is, in the form of the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA). Around the country college athletes are generating billions of dollars for the NCAA without being paid a dime. This essay is intended for the people who believe college athletes shouldn’t be paid. As a former college athlete, someone who had relatives who played college sports, and have relatives who are in college now playing sports, I have a lot of insight into the struggle of being a college athlete. You have to understand first that an athletic scholarship is not guaranteed, every year you resign a scholarship contract. The coaches and universities have control of if you can keep your scholarship and it can be terminated at any time for anything. Many people say that an athlete’s compensation is a free education in a form of an athletic scholarship which is true, but a scholarship only covers tuition, meal plan, textbooks, room, and board. Yes, these things do add up, but what about any other expense an athlete might have or money for the little things all college students need? Many athletes come from single family homes who are below the poverty line and can’t afford to send their children money all the time. Needing food, money forShow MoreRelatedShould College Athletes Get Paid1503 Words   |  7 PagesTrey P. Ragas Mr. Derm English 4 21 April 2016 Should College Athletes Get Paid In the course of recent decades, school sports have increased enormous ubiquity over the United States. Whether it be football, ball, or hockey, since the time that the turn of the century, intercollegiate games have acquired an overflow of income to their separate Universities, and in addition expanding the fame of the College s notoriety. For instance, in a study directed by the Orlando Sentinel, it wasRead MoreThe Payment Of College Athletes1630 Words   |  7 Pages2 December 2014 Payment of College Athletes Over the recent decades, school games have picked up tremendous popularity over the United States. Whether it be football, ball, or hockey, since the time that the turn of the century, intercollegiate games have accumulated a surplus of income to their individual Colleges, and also expanding the notoriety of the School s notoriety. For instance, in a study directed by the Orland Sentiental, it was evaluated that the College of Texas Sports System hadRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?1088 Words   |  5 PagesShould College Athletes be Paid? Since 1906 When Theodore Roosevelt established the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) to infose and make rule for intercollegiate sports. The NCAA had made billions of dollars out of college athletic increasing popularity. This has fuelled debates whether college athletes should be compensated beyond their athletic scholarship and how and who would do it. While many people argue that college athletes are compensated enough with their scholarship andRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?971 Words   |  4 Pages College is about getting an education and creating a better future for yourself, not about making money. Nowadays some college athletes think they re all that and should be paid for the sport they play. It seem to be that there forgetting that they already get to go to college for a discounted price or in some cases for free. College athletes think they should get paid for all there services they provide to the school and the revenue they bring in. First, how are colleges going to pay theRead MoreWhy College Athletes Should Get Paid1309 Words   |  6 PagesEbeling 1 Austin Ebeling English 115 Why College Athletes Should Get Paid And Why They Shouldn’t November 18, 2014 Ebeling 2 Intro: How much harder would athletes work if they were paid for their performance on the field, track, or court? College athletes are put to the test each and everyday, they risk their health to entertain millions day in and day out. College athletes deserve part of the money due to the revenue they bring in for their schools and for the NCAA, they deserve theRead MoreThe National Collegiate Athletic Association1227 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"The Chronicle of Higher Education recently estimated that college athletics is a $10-billion marketplace† (Suggs). With huge sums of revenue generated from college sports teams, players for the successful teams appear to be very marketable. â€Å"The National Collegiate Athletic Association, the largest collegiate sports organization in the United States, oversees much of the business of American college sports. For 2011-12, the NCAA reported $871.6 million in revenue-- 81 percent of which came fromRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?217 7 Words   |  9 PagesIn America we feel comfortable deciding how much somebody should get paid or if in fact they should get paid. We like to make decisions like that because it gives us power over somebody else. There are numerous ways where throughout history we have tried to influence how much a group of people get paid, or to influence the how much a certain race should get paid. We want to give everybody the same opportunity to succeed not depending on race, religion, or ethnicity. To give everybody a fair shotRead MoreShould College Athletes Be Paid?1591 Words   |  7 PagesEducation Is Already Enough For College Athletes More and more it’s discussed daily on whether if college athletes should finally be paid, or remain unpaid, this topic is very important because college sports are very popular in the United States. College athletes should remain unpaid because it wouldn’t be fair to the other less watch sports that don’t bring in a lot of revenue, it wouldn’t be fair to the female athletes they wouldn’t be paid equally, college athletes already have advantages and receiveRead MoreShould Student Athletes Be Paid?1270 Words   |  6 PagesIn the United States, college athletics are growing larger by the minute. College athletics contribute not only to the recognition of colleges and the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), it also contributes to the income of colleges and the NCAA. Without student athletes, these colleges and the NCAA would not reap the benefits of college athletics, such as: increased awareness of colleges, higher application rates, an d of course the revenue brought in from game and event tickets, apparelRead MoreCollege Athletes Should Be Paid1617 Words   |  7 Pageswait for march to come around just for college basketball. Trying to make the perfect bracket to win some money against their friends, and of course the right to gloat about having a bracket. During march you can’t watch one television show without seeing a commercial with a college basketball player on it. Everyone playing as well as everyone watching is filled with excitement and anticipation to see who will be crowned the next national champion. College athletes are some of the hardest working people

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