Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Energy Consumption Patterns Of Energy Drinks Essay

Abstract Background: Energy drink consumption has continued to grow and gain popularity since the release of Red Bull (the current leader in the energy drink market) in 1997. While energy drinks are generally targeted to young adult consumers there has been minimum research regarding energy drink consumption patterns in New Zealand. The aim of this study therefore is to determine consumption patterns of energy drinks as well as perceived benefits and side effects amongst students at Ara Institute of Canterbury. Methods: All students at Ara Institute of Canterbury will be invited to participate in the study. Data will be obtained via a qualitive online survey emailed to all students at enrolled at ARA. The results of this study will be analyzed using descriptive statistics. These statistics will include means, standard deviations, confidence intervals and frequency distributions. Results: Previous studies have identified that over 50% of participants consumed greater than one energy drink per month while the majority of users reported that the main reason for their use was due to insufficient sleep. Conclusion: It will be interesting to see if the results in this study are similar to previous studies. This study will consequently benefit the wellbeing and health of both students and staff at Ara Institute of Canterbury. Introduction Red Bull was the first energy drink introduced to the public in 1997, and still to this day they are the leader of the energy drinkShow MoreRelatedMcdonalds Energy Drink Research Report1184 Words   |  5 PagesMcEnergy 1 Energy Drink Research Report For McDonalds Corporation Marketing Research, Unit 9 8 August 2011 McEnergy 2 Executive Summary The purpose of this report is to investigate past trends and forecasts of the energy drink market. 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